Wednesday, April 8, 2015 life can be chaotic.


That, my friends, is the sound that my mouth just now made. I know that seems insignificant to you, but I have come to find that in my adult life, it's good to get a nice breather in. It's especially good during the chaos most of us experience in life. Am I right or am I right?......yeah, you know I'm right, gosh darn it!

    Since this is my first blog under my new user name, I bet there is a 99% chance you know me. With that said, you may ask, " How is your life chaotic Daniel?" Good question. Well, for one, I work a typical forty hours per week (give or take) at my job(will reveal in another blog.....maybe), and am involved with various church stuff. I absolutely love the church stuff, but I am involved in a lot of it. I am involved in the youth group as a leader, an outreach ministry once a month, two home groups (gatherings in peoples' homes) that meet every other week, while handling(or not handling) my responsibilities as an adult such as budgeting, chores and all that jazz. Granted, I am a single male who does not have to worry about kids and think about a wife that I care for everyday. I get that, but still, I too need to take a breather.


    I mean, has anyone truly figured out how to juggle between all the things they are involved in while keeping the others that they are involved with, happy? I would love to meet the man or woman who has mastered doing everything they are suppose to do, go to where they are suppose to go and not offend one person in a month's time due to themselves running out of steam because of life's chaotic-ness. Oh, and they have to be an extrovert. IMO, being an introvert would make all that so much more easier.

    Speaking of which, I think I am friends with a lot of introverts, and just noticed why. I just read an article that talks about the differences between introverts and extroverts. I won't get into all the details of it but one thing I will mention is that the author talks about how extroverts can get an introvert to open their bubbles to themselves, the extrovert. Basically, while not being in a festive environment where there is a gazillion people around, the extrovert takes initiative to get to know the introvert. More than likely you will end up in their personal bubble. I strive to do that with folks that I meet. I love meeting different kinds of people, introvert and extrovert alike. However, as much of a thrill that is, I realize that I make my life more susceptible to numerous invites and vulnerable to disappointing them in case I can't deliver on a promise or go to some event they ask me to make to. Either way, it makes my life chaotic at times.

     Don't get me wrong, I do not blame people at all for whatever chaos I have. I am a huge extrovert, so I need people in my life. That is how God designed me. It's just relationships can be hard to juggle around for usually you are emotionally involved with someone you are in a real relationship with(and no I'm not talking just girlfriend and boyfriend). All relationships can bring chaos into our lives. I know this because I'm in some of those kinds of relationships and witness some of those kinds of relationships on a weekly basis, for instance, marriage. I love to see husbands and wives love each other, but I also see the ugly side of marriage when the gloves come off. When that happens, I heard that one of the most popular things to do is walk away,get some fresh air, then re-group later. That would be what I call, a long breather.

       All in all,  I may not know chaos like you mothers, fathers, full-time teachers, presidents, school principals, mayors of cities, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and all the other highly positioned people in the world, but man, I can use a little less chaos.

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