Saturday, June 27, 2015


        It has been exactly 60 days since I last published a post. I didn't foresee something like that happening when I stated writing a blog, but you know what? Life happens, doesn't it?

        Don't get me wrong. I believe in the whole ' When life throws you lemons, make lemonade' but sometimes life throws a lot of lemons that you weren't ready to come at you. For instance, when I signed up for classes for the summer, I did not know that taking them would kick my rear end as much as they have. I have become mentally exhausted because of that. Secondly, school was another thing on my to-do list. I didn't manage to think about all the other stuff I was already doing, like ministry and work. It just seems that I do not have enough time to do all.

        Can you relate? If you're an adult, I'm sure you can. If you're younger, I'm sure you can too but most of you have parents that can help control the responsibilities you have in your life. My parents are still alive and are well, but as an adult, I am called to own up to my responsibilities and commitments that I make on my own. Naturally, When I see my responsibilities in front of me, I hope to see a Staples' "That was easy" button, so I can press it when the responsibility is dealt with, however, I usually don't. It's okay though, because in the midst of what seems impossible for me to do, I learn something. Progress never happens when you do nothing. You gotta do something to move on.

        There is always the wise thought of taking proper rest, but there's a difference between proactive rest and non-active rest, especially when it comes to exercise. In exercise, many trainers will tell you to make sure you get a good night's rest before you exercise the next day. that rest helps your body to build back up after your muscles are torn from the previous exercise. However, if you wake up the next day and don't do anything, you're slowing up the process of losing weight or gaining muscle because you're not training your body at all. That's too much rest.I feel like I have done that with several things in my life, like posting on this blog. It's time to train my writing muscles up again to keep the gift sharp.

        If there is any lesson that I can give someone when it comes to life, it is to never give up. I know it is cliche, and seems like a "duh" moment, but sometimes those are the three words we need to hear to finish something strong. I bet Martin Luther King Jr, wanted to give up but he had his wife, friends and colleagues to encourage him to continue to lead the fight against Jim Crow. I'm sure George Washington had been tired during the Revolutionary War but he did not quit, he pressed on, rode the Delaware and won the war for America. I'm sure Harriet Tubman didn't think it would be easy to lead a lot of slaves to freedom through the underground railroad, but with the help she had from others in that network, she led many people to freedom during one of America's most dark hours in history.

        The point is, they never gave up. Despite the lemons thrown at them, they pressed on and now their names are in the history books because of their great achievements, which were not self but were for others to benefit from. Whatever the dream, whatever the goal-never give up. If it's for the benefit of yourself ad those around you, never give up, and when the naysayers in your head or other people say you can't do this or that, say it is not up to them. Say that you'll....


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